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Services Offered

Trauma-Informed Care Practices

In-person training(s) facilitated by an EtWC team member(s) with a focus on:

  • Effects of trauma on brain development, relationships, behavior, and academics; and how to create a trauma-informed environment.  Trainings are tailored to the need of the organization and can be half-day, full day, or over multiple days.

  • Follow-up support, and/or consultation can be requested after a training session(s).


Parent Consultations

One on one consultations with parents addressing:

  • Behavior Strategies

  • What to expect from the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) problem solving process

  • Review of Individual Education Plans (IEP)

  • Review of Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)


Optimizing Learning Environments

Workshops focusing on preparing teachers for the ever changing demands of education with an emphasis on Conditions for Learning:

  • Environmental factors

  • Scheduling

  • Socialization

  • Classroom management systems

  • Consequences

  • Curriculum & Instruction 



Client and contractor
Picture of a flower and bird.
Classmates in the Library

Lagging Skills Development

Trainings for groups/individuals who support school-aged children with lagging social skills.  When appropriate, EtWC will work directly with youth to equip them with the skills necessary to navigate life’s challenges. Trainings will focus on the five CASEL competencies…

  • Self-Awareness

  • Self-Management

  • Social Awareness

  • Relationship Skills

  • Responsible Decision-Making


Trainings will define and explore the five competencies, address how to explicitly identify the lagging skill(s) and how to teach new skill development.


Youth Reintegration Services

Directly supporting youth and families transitioning back to the public school setting from a juvenile justice facility, treatment facility, and/or an extended absence from school. Services will include:

  • Act as liaison between families and schools

  • Participate and support in the reintegration meeting and other meetings as needed

  • Weekly check-ins with youth and family to assess progress and needs



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